Senator Mar Roxas’ stand on Charter Change
This afternoon, I was googling (searching online) on the latest news about US President-elect Barack Obama’s upcoming Cabinet selection. Then, as I was surfing in Google News about Senator Mar Roxas, I saw this article from the online edition of The News Today, a daily newspaper based in Iloilo City and circulated in the entire Western Visayas region.
A businessman from Pontevedra, Capiz named Erin Azarraga, the son of the late Atty. Edward Azarraga, urged Roxas to show his stand whether he is for or against the charter change that Malacañang is pushing.
Azarraga said that many senators seem to be “pro Charter Change” as they were instrumental to the ouster of former Senate President Manny Villar who was replaced by Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, a Malacañang ally.
I just can’t get the connection on why the removal of Villar from the Senate Presidency and with Enrile on the helm would spell as a “pro Charter Change” Senate. After all, there’s no such thing as “permanent” Senate President. Everyday, a Senate President will be under a threat of removal if he doesn’t have the support of the majority anymore unlike in the US wherein the Vice President is also the Senate President. Another point that I have to make is that even if Enrile is the boss, the majority would still win and they are AGAINST Cha-Cha.
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A businessman from Pontevedra, Capiz named Erin Azarraga, the son of the late Atty. Edward Azarraga, urged Roxas to show his stand whether he is for or against the charter change that Malacañang is pushing.
Azarraga said that many senators seem to be “pro Charter Change” as they were instrumental to the ouster of former Senate President Manny Villar who was replaced by Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, a Malacañang ally.
I just can’t get the connection on why the removal of Villar from the Senate Presidency and with Enrile on the helm would spell as a “pro Charter Change” Senate. After all, there’s no such thing as “permanent” Senate President. Everyday, a Senate President will be under a threat of removal if he doesn’t have the support of the majority anymore unlike in the US wherein the Vice President is also the Senate President. Another point that I have to make is that even if Enrile is the boss, the majority would still win and they are AGAINST Cha-Cha.
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