Media Unites with National Nutrition Council’s Initiatives to Stop Hunger and Malnutrition
With women and children at the forefront in our battle against hunger and malnutrition, Filipino families need to arm themselves with the right information. This is the theme that resounded at the Consultative Meeting with Public Information Officers and Media organized by the National Nutrition Council (NNC). Media practitioners, station managers, and media bloggers such as yours truly were invited to take part in presenting ideas on how we could promote the eradication of hunger and malnutrition in the country which is the most pressing issue of our time.
Crown Regency Hotel in Cebu City became the perfect venue for the two-part event last November 19, 2010. In the morning after the opening program and introduction of participants, Dr. Parolita A. Mission, NNC Program Coordinator, gave a very insightful overview of the consultative meeting and the whole event was all about. The members of Kapisanan ng mga Broadkasters ng Pilipinas (KBP)and some other media outlets were encouraged to incorporate health ideas on existing programs, columns or as plugs to aid the objectives of NNC’s Hunger Mitigation Program.
The event not only launched NNC’s intentions and programs but as well as provided a venue for asking the media industry leaders to sign the Memorandum of Agreement and the distribution of Broadcaster’s Manual which contains materials about the present nutrition situation and health advisories and tips that we could circulate.
After the sumptuous lunch, the remaining participants underwent a Regional Action Planning Workshop. What we did basically was divide ourselves into two groups and I was convened with the first one. We were composed of dynamic and opinionated people like Ka Bino Guerrero – PR Works, Wilhelmina Sarawi, Cebu Bloggers Society (CBS) fellow, Mr. Eliseo, a PIO Officer – Bayamban City, Mr. Adrian, PIO Officer – Negros, Daday Melgar, a radio host of DYRF, Ma’am Grace of Sky Cable, Ma’am Emma of Amazing Cebu Channel 54. Vernon Go, CBS president, belonged to the second group.
What we did basically was to think of specific ways on how we can promote NNC’s Hunger Mitigation Program. Our list of programs will be implemented around the whole fiscal year of 2011 and will target mothers and children around 0-5 years of age. After a very lively discussion, we have decided to produce an hour-long interactive radio show and air plugs of Nutrition Council on every KBP station as public service announcements. Estimated to cost around P2.21 million which includes the talent fees, air time, and the researcher for the whole year round, this is a surefire way to reach our region-wide target market. We have also decided to place ads on tabloids, produce and distribute materials such as comics written in dialects, DVDs with nutrition themed films and documentaries that we could hand out to sectors like parishes, schools, and towns. We are also planning to do some region-wide contests such as awarding the barangay with the least malnutrition incidence rate and the region’s A1 Baby.
But what better way to promote such advocacies than through the worldwide reach of the internet. Thus, we media bloggers are assigned to promote the events and disseminate information on our blogs and through social media. What is interesting is that they would like to tap this medium not only to tell the people of the great things the country is doing but as well as to raise funds since our government can only do so much.
There are so many things you can do as an individual or as an institution and you can help in the NNC Hunger-Mitigation Program. You may contact
National Nutritional Council
Dr. Parolita A. Mission
Regional Nutrition Program Coordinator
Tel. No. (032)418-7182 / (032) 254 – 3263
This article is written by Jaysee Pingkian.
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