Register and Join the VBS 2011 Best Blogpost Contest
Cebu Bloggers Society, Inc., the main organizer for Visayas Blogging Summit 2011, gives away prizes for participants, who have published pre-event posts about Visayas Blogging Summit.
Likewise, prizes are given out to bloggers and/or registered participants who write details about the event upon their participation, who will share his experiences about Visayas Blogging Summit 2011 on their blogs and who will spread the posts in the social networks.
There are TWO CATEGORIES for this contest with First, Second and Third Prizes for each.
This contest is open to all registered participants of Visayas Blogging Summit 2011.
If you haven’t registered yet, why not do it now?
1. Write a press release about the Visayas Blogging Summit 2011 event. You can visit this link for more information:
2. Incude in the said PR an anchor text “Cebu Bloggers” with links to “”
3. Include another anchor text “Visayas Blogging Summit” with a link to “”
4. Inclusion of all the VBS 2011 Sponsors logos and link.
5: Submit the link to your contest entries containing the title PRE-EVENT: (your name) or POST-EVENT: (your name).
6. Closing of submission of entries will be on November 20, 2011 (for Pre-Event BlogPost) and December 10, 2011 (for Post-Event BlogPost Contest)
The Three Official judges of this contest will be appointed by the executive committee.
COMPOSITION AND TECHNICALITY (60%) – Following instructions 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the contest
CONTENT (40%) – Originality and struction of the composition, with words of not less than 300 words.
FIRST PRIZES. Plaque of Recognition + Php 2000 cash + special VBS gift pack + A blog feature of you in the official VBS 2011 website.
SECOND PRIZE. Plaque of Recognition + Php 1000 cash + Special VBS 2011 giftpack + A page feature in VBS 2011 Website.
THIRD PRIZE. Plaque of Recognition + Php 500 cash + Special VBS gift pack + a blog feature in the official VBS 2011 website
THE FIRST 100 BLOGGERS to submit their article about VBS before the event will receive SPECIAL VBS 2011 KIT which contain the official VBS 2011 collectible items, special gift packs and a lot more of suprises.
(Organizers reserve the right to modify the contest prizes as applicable.)
The first 100 submissions will receive VBS Organizers Kit.
All Prizes for the BEST VBS 2011 PRE-EVENT BLOGPOST contest will be awarded on the Closing Ceremonies of VBS 2011.
Moreover, all Prizes for the BEST VBS 2011 POST-EVENT BLOGPOST will be announced exactly a week after the event on this site:
Special Gift Packs for Top 20 Referrers
Ask your friends, family, employer and Facebook acquaintances to join the most awaited and the largest blogger gathering in the Philippines. If you are one of our top referrers for the summit, we will dole out very special packs just for you!
Just ask your friends to complete the details required on this form and submit.
(FYI: This contest excludes all members of the Executive Committee Organizing Team.)
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