PR:’s Career Congress continues at the Queen City of the South is still riding high on the success of the Career Congress 2012 last July 20 in Manila and shall bring the event to the Queen City of the South. The Career Congress 2012 in Cebu is slated on August 3 at the Casino Espanyol.
Two hundred participants are expected to attend the event. They include human resource professionals, school administrators, student leaders and government officials.
“Unlike in 2011 when the event was only for administrators, has decided to open the event to student leaders also,” says Carolyn Enriquez, senior marketing manager of “Our program this year aims to help school administrators, their students and the employers understand the importance on leveling up their efforts on career development programs for the youth segment.”
The event is packed with talks on the K-12 program and a seminar-workshop applying Sun Tzu’s Art of War principles in jobhunting. The event is also a networking opportunity for all schools and companies in search for career placement and development partners.
In 2008,, the number one job site in the Philippines, felt the need to assist graduating students as companies had noted the decline on the quality of behavioral skills of fresh graduates. envisioned a national conference for employers, school administrators and student leaders to discuss ways on how to improve youth employability, and hence, the Career Congress was born.
The event is packed with talks on the K-12 program and a seminar-workshop applying Sun Tzu’s Art of War principles in jobhunting. The event is also a networking opportunity for all schools and companies in search for career placement and development partners.
In 2008,, the number one job site in the Philippines, felt the need to assist graduating students as companies had noted the decline on the quality of behavioral skills of fresh graduates. envisioned a national conference for employers, school administrators and student leaders to discuss ways on how to improve youth employability, and hence, the Career Congress was born.
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