Blogger of the Week: Mark Monta
He wants to call himself a “common” individual, but there’s nothing too typical about someone who just founded one of the most prestigious blogging societies in the country, Cebu Bloggers Society, and spearheaded Cebu Blogs Award. Indeed Deutche Atil Mark Melendres Monta (even his name stands out) is of a different league—in a good way.
First question. What got you into blogging?
Honestly, it was boredom that pushed me to blog in the year 2007. I was working at Night Shift as IT Client Technician in Timex Philippines Inc. When I learned that I have an Internet access, I maximized the resource and I kept on reading blogs of my Department Of Science and Technology (DOST) co-scholar, Jehzeel Laurente of and other bloggers/scholars from Mindanao.
How did you start Cebu Bloggers Society? What was the goal?
I started and founded Cebu Bloggers Society at Yahoogroups under the group name Cebu Bloggers Society (CBS). With the help of some known Cebu bloggers–Kevin Ray Chua, who’s famous of his Mar Roxas for President Blog, and Sir Jerry Gervacio, with his Ambot Lang WordPress Blog–we were able to pull out Cebu Bloggers from different areas of Cebu which resulted to a total of more or less 100 members. It was built last February 14, 2008.
Surely, building CBSi wasn’t easy. Describe the birth pains.
Inviting members or Cebu Bloggers was not easy but not that hard. We only encountered a little problem when we tried to organize a grand meet-up where only I and Kevin attended. Funny it was but we learned and realized that it was not that easy but as years went by, CBSI grows bigger, stronger and of course, more mature, which I am so proud of.
You studied at CITE, then at CIT-U. What did you do in these two schools?
Actually, I graduated valedictorian at Labogon National High School and took this DOST scholarship exam. I passed the 4-5 bachelor’s scholarship grant, but I waived the 2 years since my mother wanted me to be enrolled at Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), a technical school for boys; it is good for 3 years only. When I graduated at CITE in the year 2007, I rested for year and focused on my work at Timex. In the year 2008, when I was granted with regular status, I enrolled myself to a BSIT course at CIT University and graduated last year together with Kevin Ray Chua.
You’re a popular CBSi Blogger! But what are the top 3 things we don’t know about you yet?
Am I popular? I think I’m not. I’m just a common person. Anyways, here are the top 3 that people or online followers don’t know about me.
First, I drink more than 8 glasses of water a day. Not just that, I drink more or less 6 to 8 liters of water a day. My family members and office mates can attest to that.
Second, I’m a physically active person, but I am not a fan of any sports; but of course, I can play them in some instances of my life. In short, I do not have any sports. I only play mind games or board games like Scrabble, Boggle, or any word-related games, and, yeah, Chinese checkers.
Last, I started working as early as 10 to 12 years old in my lolo’s abaca and rattan business. It was like I went to school the whole day, and after doing my homework, I helped in my grandfather’s work; in return, he gave me money for the week. I saved those earned money, and I remembered my mother borrowing from my savings to pay for my sister’s school expense.
How can you eat sweet potatoes every day? Why do you do that?
It was just part of my workout routine in the gym. My gym mate advised me to lessen the intake of carbohydrates like rice; thus, a good replacement is sweet potato or camote, which is rich in fiber and less in carbs. My first intention is for me to attain a lean body, not the muscled but not the thin type of body.
Previously, I got this 200 plus pounds of weight; then when I started to take camote for 4 months already, I am now playing between 173 and180 pounds with some muscles. 🙂
At first, for healthy living, just being fit; but lately, I want to get abs out of my tummy!
I’m interested to know what 3 things you do at home when you have no commitments or activities for the day.
As I said, I’m just a common person; and when I don’t have commitments or any tasks, I do the following: blog plus social media sites hopping; watch movies (love sci-fi, action, comedy, and Chinese karate movies); or take a power nap or sleep.
What inspires you, Mark? What irks you?
You will expect this. My family, friends, and beloved Cebu Bloggers inspire me to do more than what I did and I am doing now. I bet those annoyances are just flavors of life. Think positive, be optimistic, and say goodbye to worries.
Who’s your favorite blogger? Why?
In my niche, which is entertainment and showbiz, Perez Hilton is a choice. But when it comes to technology blog, writers and bloggers and, of course, Pete Cashmore of Mashable are my faves. They pull out the best scoops, and sometimes they become the news for the mainstream.
Differentiate Bugits and (or
My is my technology blog for news and updates on computers, gadgets, mobiles, social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, and anything that is related to technology and information. While my used to be my personal blog, but I focused into my niche of entertainment; thus, came out, and an all showbiz and entertainment blog was made via EUTS stands for “everything under the sun.”
You’ve accomplished a lot for CBSi, but what are you most proud of?
From the successful brand of Cebu Bloggers Society Inc to an award-giving body for bloggers here in Cebu, which is Best Cebu Blogs Awards—I think they are the achievements that an ordinary Mark Monta is most proud of. I am not particular of my career as an IT support since I am not really into corporate title and position, but seeing members of CBSi who are very successful in their chosen fields and knowing Cebu Bloggers who were recognized in BCB and then being praised by other entities, these are more than satisfaction I get as a founder and a Cebu blogger.
Do you know why your parents named you Deutche Atil? That’s such a unique name!
Hahaha, it’s really unique! Well, my complete name is Deutche Atil Mark Melendres Monta. Now, here is the story: Deutche Mark is named after an old German currency “deutsche mark.” My auntie who supported my school life used to have a close friend from Germany. The friend sent money to my auntie and shared it to my parents. When I popped into the world, my auntie named me after it.
Atil was taken from my father’s real name, Atilano. For a futuristic term, they took out the traditional Pinoy’s name with letter O in the last part of the name; thus, Atil was formed.
Unique, isn’t it?
What are the three things you love about Cebu?
I love CEBU because I was born and live here.
CEBU is where the best bloggers live: the Cebu Bloggers Society Inc. members/bloggers.
Aside from those differences we had, people in CEBU cooperate, stay hand in hand, and unite for a certain goal or progress, and live long.
What’s the biggest challenge in being the membership committee head?
Not as challenging as pulling out Cebu Bloggers when I founded CBSi, but being the head of Membership Committee of CBSi, it really gives me an opportunity to knowing newbies or sometimes big-time Cebu bloggers who I just met and know today. But the challenge here is revisiting the guidelines, the process, and other documents that need to be revised and improved.
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