Celebrities Lead Campaign Against Hunger
With the alarming number of Filipinos joining the ranks of the world’s hungriest people, many prominent names in the entertainment scene are lending their voices in a fight against hunger and poverty. World Vision launched the “12-hour Famine” Campaign, a global youth movement against hunger and poverty.
The same “Famine” campaign is being done by World Vision worldwide in other countries: the 30-hour Famine in the US, the 40-hour Famine in Australia and New Zealand, and the 24-hour Famine in the United Kingdom, to name a few.
The “12-hour Famine” challenges the youth to raise money to feed hungry children. Through their own capacities and creative ways, every peso raised will reinforce World Vision programs that address hunger and food insecurity in the poorest parts of the country. If every single youth will pitch in support… every child in the nation can be fed! Youth registrants will be provided with Information Kits to assist them in fundraising.
Eat nothing. Do something!
And then, the “Famine” (also known as ‘widespread hunger’) will happen on November 6, 2010, 9am at the Flying V Arena in San Juan. For 12 hours, youth participants will gather in one venue and go on voluntary fasting from food — thus, the “Famine” begins.
On empty stomachs, these thousands of Filipino youth will lend their voices in a united effort to stand up against hunger and poverty.
By going hungry for 12 hours, participants gain a deeper understanding of how it’s actually like to go without food. Their sacrifice allows them a glimpse of hunger — an everyday reality for millions of Filipinos today.
On that day, the 12-hour fasting period will be devoted to activities other than eating to fill the void of hunger. There will be educational sessions and talks on poverty issues, inspiring video presentations, prayer time, games, talent showcases from different groups, and a big, festive concert with World Vision celebrity supporters.
To register dial 8-FAMINE (8-326463) or log on to www.worldvision.org.ph/famine. You may also visit the World Vision Famine facebook site.
Celebrities Go Hungry for Change
As the “12-hour Famine” Campaign begins to make noise rallying the young generation to support, many celebrities have committed their time, talent, influence, and sacrifice as they march behind this worthy cause.
They have traveled to some of the poorest areas in the country to gain a better grasp of the urgency of hunger and poverty. With this, they hope to become more equipped as “Famine Ambassadors”.
Find out why these names are supporting the “12-hour Famine” and why they have committed to go hungry for change.
Nikki Gil
“What’s 12 hours to go without food if it can help save a child’s life…” — this is Nikki’s battle cry as she appeals for the youth to join the “12-hour Famine” and consider a little sacrifice for those who go without life’s basics every day.
TV host, singer, and actress Nikki Gil is World Vision Ambassador for the Youth. Just recently, she visited a dumpsite area in Mandaue City, Cebu.
Standing in the middle of the dump, Nikki saw how children scavenged the garbage site for scrap to sell and make a little money for their families to survive.
Nikki’s visit brought hope to families in dire conditions. She assured them that they were not forgotten and that there are people working to make better lives possible for them. Nikki sat with the children and listened to their stories and dreams seeking to shed hope in the midst of their bleak circumstances.
“Definitely my eyes have been opened to the reality of child labor. I learned how very small children are forced into scavenging at the dumpsite to earn money. Few people are put in a position of power… di naman tayo pwede lahat maging presidente… but we all have an opportunity to create change in our own little way… and before you know it your one act of kindness has already changed the world,” Nikki shares.
Chris Tiu
“A lot of the youth have become indifferent already with the sad realities of life, especially if they are born with a silver spoon. The 12 hour Famine is a great opportunity to encourage an active participation among them– for them to actually feel the suffering of the poor even for 12 hours once in their life… people who live in poverty they experience this everyday…”
Basketball star Chris Tiu takes time off his busy schedule with the Philippine National Basketball Team to support the “12-hour Famine”.
Chris played some basketball with children World Vision assists in an area in Baseco. As soon as he walked to the court people started to gather around hoping to see their “idol”. It wasn’t everyday that the kids got to shoot baskets with a real life basketball player! Chris is a strong supporter of sports and education and devotes time to inspire children to study hard and stay focused to reach their dreams.
“I really value education a lot and I know how important it is for a child in order to become successful and be happy in life — and they are entitled to that,” Chris adds.
Cristalle Belo-Henares
“My words are not enough to describe the kind of living conditions these people have… and just about five minutes away is a shopping mall bustling with people…”
Celebrity entrepreneur Cristalle Belo-Henares spent an afternoon in the midst of a squatters’ area in Cebu. She saw with her own eyes a sad picture of the unfair plight of the poor.
“You wouldn’t imagine that there are people so near [the city] who lived in such dire conditions,” she adds.
Doing social work is nothing new to Cristalle. Her visit in the area was spent with hoards of children who sang and danced along with her action songs. And then, she visited the homes of a number of families who shared stories of their hard life — Cristalle knew she had a mission of taking these stories back home and getting people to help.
Cristalle is now rallying against hunger and poverty as “Famine Ambassador”. Using her network of influence, she encourages people to support the “12-hour Famine”. She believes that supporting this campaign is a concrete way to make a difference.
“Join the Famine and experience going hungry for 12 hours! For us who are more blessed let’s make a choice to help,” she appeals.
Sam Concepcion
At his young age, teen star Sam Concepcion has been exposed to the reality of hunger and poverty in the country. Joining countless World Vision projects and activities as Ambassador for Children, he has marshaled his talent and influence to be an inspiration to poor children.
When Sam heard about the “12-hour Famine” campaign he didn’t think twice to support the cause. He’s had the opportunity to visit communities supported by World Vision and saw the sad plight of poor families going hungry and children unable to study in school.
“I have gained a whole new perspective to being an Ambassador to these needy children after seeing their situation and being there to experience it firsthand. I realized what a big responsibility and what a big challenge it really is for me,” Sam shares.
Sam has been very instrumental in drawing people to support World Vision and its cause. His active participation with the organization has raised public knowledge on the work it does.
Now, Sam is set to visit high schools across Metro Manila to rally the youth to support the “12-hour Famine”.
Marc Nelson
Who would have thought that the muscle-built sportsman Marc Nelson could gamely dance and sing along nursery rhymes with a group of little children. This is how it was when Marc [who was joined by Cristalle] enthusiastically spent an afternoon with poor kids at a community World Vision assists in Cebu.
Moved by the alarming number of hungry people in the country and the world, Marc has willingly committed to ambassador the “12-hour Famine” campaign and encourage the public to open their eyes and hearts to the harsh realities of poverty.
His visit to the depressed community only reinforced the urgency of the need. He met so many children who are out of school, families struggling daily with the bare minimum of food — his heart broke for them.
Marc believes that the “12-hour Famine” campaign is a good way to rally the young generation to do something significant for our nation. The simple sacrifice of skipping food for 12 hours is nothing compared to the awareness and donations it could help bring in.
“So many children out there are not as fortunate as you and I. Please, let’s help them,” he appeals.
Marc sponsors nine children with World Vision, his monthly donations help keep them in school. Every time Marc signs an endorsement contract he makes sure the brand also agrees to sponsor poor children — he considers this the least he can do to help.
Sam Milby
“Every little kid has a dream, but the sad thing is most kids cannot fulfill their dreams due to poverty. It won’t cost us too much to help these children, but for them it’s life changing!”
Some two years ago, Sam made a commitment to use his time, skills, and influence to encourage more Filipinos to support children in need of education. Since then, he’s signed up to sponsor the education of six children from some of the poorest provinces World Vision supports.
Every opportunity he gets, Sam talks about Child Sponsorship and how easy it is to help a child in need. Last December, Sam gave away gifts to children at Baseco as an early Christmas treat.
Today, Sam fully supports the “12-hour Famine” campaign. He is no stranger to the urgent need for enough food, proper healthcare, and education for poor children and their families. Sam hopes that through his help more youth will be encouraged to lend their voices and a little sacrifice to those in dire need.
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