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Is Blogging Really... Dead?

Ladies and Gentlemen of Cebu, blogging is dead.

Social media has delivered the final blow to bloggers worldwide. Twitter and Facebook has allowed people to convey their content and ideas at a much faster pace and a wider content than blogs could only dream of. And here comes Google Plus, where your tech daily tech updates aren’t of much interest anymore since the new content that you once pride your blog with, is now being shared to the world by power players in social media such as Robert Scoble, Guy Kawasaki and Tom Anderson faster than you can type your content.

So why bother?


Blogging is dead.


Is this even news?


Blogging’s decline started half a decade ago when everyone joined the blogging bandwagon. And what polluted the blogosphere was the amount of content that didn’t really help anyone at all.


In fact, blogging started as a means of sharing personal experiences to the masses populating the Internet. Just simple, plain and long, content-driven status updates.

They became big. They were early. That was then.


But as the years rolled by, social media made sharing those personal experiences, once only found on blogs, now readily available for just about anyone. Sharing personal experiences on blogs has become irrelevant. They’re all on Facebook.


Blogging is dead.


But bloggers never say die.


What once was a flourishing community sharing smart information has now been drowning in despair.


But the bloggers, they don’t give up without a fight.


And what was once called blogging has evolved into a wiser, more powerful entity called Content Marketing.


Sonia Simone describes it as the creation of valuable content that has a marketing purpose. Promotional, in other words.


Cebu is a beautiful place. Every step down a road leads to another interesting venue. Every venue holds a unique, creative concept to help make Cebu, and the country in general, a better place.


And it’s our job as writers to promote that. To promote an idea. To promote a venue. To promote an event.


Not with a blog of copy and pasted ideas and information, but content-driven information aimed at educating people, guiding them along a path of uncertainty, taking a leap of faith, simplifying life and learning to enjoy it in Cebu.


Blogging is dead. And is reborn as content marketing.


Hear the War Drums


Sound the trumpets! Start the war drums! Let your voices be heard!


It’s time to let go of blogging. It’s dead. It will never be back. Social media has made sure of that. But hope still lives on.


Let it be known, that Cebu, our hometown, our pride, is banging on the gates of glory, knocking down the competition, and yearns to claim the hearts of the world.


Promote our land. Let the world know of its beauty and wonders. It’s so exciting to be alive and in Cebu right now.


Open up your site, play The Day of the Baphomets in the background, and start writing.

Are you still just blogging? Or are you marketing your business, or an idea, or Cebu, or the Philippines?


Josh Sarz is a writer, food lover and Internet junkie. He works for Thumbtack, an Internet-based marketplace for local services in the U.S. He also writes about Simplifying to Enjoy Life, in his blog at Sagoyism.com

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