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Cebu Bloggers Society and the Missionaries of the Poor

When Father Richard Ho Lung and his Brothers of the Poor came to Cebu City, they only had one goal in mind: expand their ministry to the poorest of the poor in the metro.

The brothers arrived in February 4, 2004, and immediately began their mission in Sawang Calero, Pasil. They taught catechism, helped out in the community in any way they can, and soon built Little Lambs Center, or LILAC.

Compared to other shelters in the city, LILAC is the only permanent facility that embraces orphans with disabilities, those who are suffering from autism or celebral palsy. Soon after, they also opened their doors for the abandoned aged, many of which are currently suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Indeed, running and maintaining LILAC is a tall order for the brothers, and they definitely need all the support we can provide them.

This coming Christmas, Cebu Bloggers Society, in partnership with Niños Foundation, will make its commitment to the Missionaries of the Poor through an outreach program on December 18, 2011, from nine in the morning to noon. Participants will be bringing food, toys and books for the children, as well as other pressing needs of the facility, including but not limited to medicines, diapers for both adults and kids, bar soaps, detergents for laundry, and canned goods.

So far, the organization has started collected funds from kind-hearted individuals not only in Cebu but all over the world. However, it is their goal to give more.

CBS is asking everyone to help them in their cause. You can donate any amount to PayPal (cbsifinance@ymail.com). You can also send your old toys, clothes, and books—anything that you think will be of great use for the children and the seniors for a long time. For more information about the outreach, visit here.

It is CBS’s fervent hope they will be able to continue what they’re going to start and eventually offer the same amount of support to other facilities in the city. But they need your help. The underprivileged and those who look after and take care of them need your help.

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